
Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft

Dornach, Switzerland

Contact Information:

Constanza Kaliks

+41 (0) 61 706 43 15

Dornach 1

Teaching language: German, English, Spanish

Number of participants: Collaboration with 250

full-time and part-time Waldorf teacher education

programs worldwide

Fields of activity:

- Researching and further developing anthroposophical pedagogy

- Cooperating with external research projects

- Establishing and developing contacts with representatives of general educational science

- Organizing conferences, seminars and colloquia

- Participating in inter-school collaborations

- Visiting schools, working with faculty, and offering lectures for faculty and parents

- Issuing publications (e.g. Journal and Newsletter of the Pedagogical Section)

- Cooperating internationally with national and international associations

The Pedagogical Section is a department at the Goetheanum, an independent anthroposophical center of learning in Dornach, Switzerland, founded by Rudolf Steiner. Though students can study pedagogy and anthroposophy at the Goetheanum at conferences, courses over several weekends, and in year-long study programs, the Goetheanum does not offer a comprehensive or accredited teacher education program. Rather, the main aims of the Pedagogical Section are twofold: first, to research, develop, and set new impulses for education based on anthroposophy; and second, to serve as a point of intersection for cooperation and collaboration among anthroposophically-based schools and teacher education institutes worldwide.